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Rebuilding Healthy Joints with PatchMD Glucosamine & Chondroitin Plus

By |Categories: Glucosamine & Chondroitin Patch|

Chondroitin and glucosamine sulfates are natural components of healthy joint tissue, and are readily available as dietary supplements. They work by supplying the natural raw materials cartilage needs to repair and rebuild itself, and by suppressing the natural enzymes that break cartilage down in the first place. Glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance in the body, synthesized in the chondrocytes. In osteoarthritis, this synthesis is defective and insufficient, and supplementation with glucosamine has proven to be useful.

PatchMD’s Omega-3 Plus Patch with DHA and the Adult Brain

By |Categories: Omega-3 Plus Patch|

While DHA is essential for the proper development of the infant brain, it also plays a vital role in the ongoing structure and function of the adult brain. It is a component of several important phospholipids in the brain, with the highest levels of DHA being found in phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidyl-serine (PS). Lower levels exist in phosphatidyl-cholines (PC). Structurally, DHA comprises 22 carbons and six double bonds, making it the most unsaturated fatty acid in cell membranes and an important ingredient in increasing the fluidity of cell membranes.

How Curcumin in PatchMD’s Anti-Aging Patch Protects Against Cancer

By |Categories: Anti-Aging Patch|

Curcumin is derived from the Indian spice turmeric and possesses several active components, all of which contribute to its anti-inflammatory and chemo preventive power. In fact, curcumin targets ten causative factors involved in cancer development. Disrupting any one of these factors gives you a good chance of preventing cancer; disrupting several provides even greater protection, including the prevention of DNA damage.

Fewer Winter Cold and Flu Infections with PatchMD’s Vitamin D Patch

By |Categories: Vitamin D3 Patch, Vitamin News|

As daylight hours grow shorter, incidence of the common cold, flu, and respiratory infections spikes upwards. Scientists have identified reduced Vitamin D levels in winter months as a prime suspect for this increase in infectious disease cases. Vitamin D from all sources lowers the incidence of respiratory infections. For example, Dutch children with the least sun exposure are twice as likely to develop a cough and three times more likely to develop a runny nose compared with children with the most sun exposure.

Our Vitamin D3 Patch Now Includes Magnesium

By |Categories: Vitamin D3 Patch, Vitamin News|

Numerous studies have shown vitamin D levels may lower the risk several conditions ranging from depression to various cancers. The connection between vitamin D deficiency and cancer was first made by doctors Frank and Cedric Garland of the University of California, San Diego. After finding that evidence of colon cancer was nearly 3 times higher in New York than it was in New Mexico, the Garland Brothers hypothesized lack of sun exposure (resulting in lack of vitamin D) played a role. Observational studies found risk of breast cancer and rectal cancer falls as vitamin D blood levels rise.

Beach Rehab / PatchMD in Live OC Magazine

By |Categories: Vitamin News|

Beach Rehab Center in Huntington Beach is not just an ordinary health and wellness center. They offer individualized patient care, focusing on personal attention to make you feel like a person rather than a symptom. CEO and owner Polly McCormick, who studied at the University of Florida School of Medicine, demonstrates a sensitivity to critical care patients while integrating both Eastern and Western techniques in her treatment protocols.

Rested and Ready To Go With PatchMD’s Sleep Starter Melatonin Patch

By |Categories: Patch Testimonials, Sleep Starter Patch, Vitamin News|

Deb from New York sent us an account of her experience with PatchMD’s Sleep Starter Melatonin Patch. Since taking Melatonin in capsule form never seemed to work for her, she tried our Patch Technology and found that it works exactly as advertised.

The Reality of PMS: PatchMD Supports Women and Rejects The PMS Is A Myth Propaganda

By |Categories: PMS Patch, Vitamin News|

Like men, women suffer from severe conditions that can inhibit their health and cause them tremendous difficulty in their daily lives. These physical difficulties like PMS are directly related to their physiological make up due to gender. The problem is that PMS is often referred to as a myth in the popular culture, furthering a damaging and negative perspective. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, however, is a medical reality and should never be referred to as a myth. It is a real and difficult medical condition that women experience on a monthly basis. Patch MD recognizes the challenges of PMS and rejects the PMS is a Myth propaganda. We support women and provide two specialty topical patches to address the symptoms of this challenging condition the PMS Day Relief Patch and the PMS Night Relief Patch.

Positive Results from Both the B12 Energy Vitamin Patch And The PMS Night Relief Estro Patch

By |Categories: B12 Energy Plus Patch, Patch Testimonials, PMS Patch, Vitamin News|

Sandra from Laguna Niguel, California has been using a variety of patches, including the B12 Energy Vitamin Patch and the PMS Night Relief Estro Patch. With enthusiasm, she has been letting her friends know about how well the patches work for her.

Finding Relief With Both The Menopause Day Relief Patch And The Menopause Night Relief Patch

By |Categories: Menopause Patch, Patch Testimonials, Vitamin News|

June from Alison Viejo let us know that she found relief from her struggles with Menopause by using both the Menopause Day Relief Patch and the Menopause Night Relief Patch. She describes how the Menopause Night Relief Patch helped her sleep through the night.

The Sleep Starter Melatonin Patch Helps George From San Diego Overcome Insomnia

By |Categories: Patch Testimonials, Sleep Starter Patch, Vitamin News|

George from San Diego described how the Sleep Starter Melatonin Patch finally helped him get a decent night’s sleep after years of insomnia. In his letter, George describes his experience with PatchMD’s Sleep Starter Melatonin Patch.

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