An estimated 6,000 women reach menopause every day in the United States.

Menopause can cause dramatic and disruptive symptoms, but there are ways to alleviate the symptoms and improve your quality of life. Menopause supplements are a great way to optimize your daily nutrient intake and deal with the symptoms of menopause so that you can live your best life.

Common Menopause Symptoms

Do you want to know more about menopause, the best menopause supplements, and vitamins for menopause? Read on to learn how our topical patches can help you!

Menopause is a perfectly natural stage in the aging process that typically occurs between 45 and 55 years of age. In industrialized countries such as the USA, the average age is 51 years. It’s often pre-empted by the onset of perimenopause which usually happens around 47 years of Age.

Menopause is actually caused by a decrease in estrogen production. This is a female sex hormone that controls the release of eggs from the ovaries on a monthly basis. As hormone levels are reduced, the egg release becomes less consistent which results in irregular periods. During this transition, the menstrual cycle becomes less predictable and eventually stops altogether.

As your estrogen level decreases, it has a number of other knock-on effects within your system. This leads to a range of changes occurring in the body, some of which can be uncomfortable. Although many women experience an easy transition into menopause, others suffer from issues that affect their quality of life for several years. Menopause symptoms include:

  • hot flashes – sudden sensations of heat that last for a short time, often in the chest, neck, and face, which can result in sweaty or red skin

  • difficulty sleeping – which can lead to feeling tired or irritable the following day

  • night sweats – experiencing hot flashes during the night

  • a decrease in sexual function, drive, or discomfort during sex

  • vaginal dryness, itching, or pain

  • problems with concentration or memory

  • mood swings or changes in mood, such as anxiety or depression

  • headaches

  • a decrease in muscle mass

  • joint aches, pains, or stiffness

  • palpitations – noticeably feeling your heartbeat

  • urinary tract infections (UTIs) that reoccur on a regular basis

Some menopausal women are also at an increased risk of developing other health issues, such as osteoporosis. Early menopause has also been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. If you’re concerned by any of the menopause symptoms you’re experiencing, then talk to your doctor for professional medical advice.

Best Menopause Supplements for Easing Symptoms

The best vitamins for menopause symptoms are the B-vitamins family along with vitamin D. You’ll also want to ensure that you’re consuming enough essential minerals such as calcium and selenium to aid natural hormone production. There are also other menopause supplements that can address specific symptoms such as trouble sleeping. Let’s look at each of them in more detail.

1. Osteoporosis

During menopause, you’re at a greater risk for osteoporosis. Hormonal changes, age, and other factors could lead to the loss of bone density. This disease tends to progress without warning signs, and often it isn’t noticed until you fracture a bone. The problem is that once a bone becomes fractured, it’s likely that you’ll experience another fracture due to the progression of the disease.

This is why it’s important to start taking vitamins and supplements for menopause. The right supplement will help you combat the progression of osteoporosis.

Natural Treatments for Osteoporosis Include:

Vitamin D3

When people think of healthy bones, their minds tend to go to Calcium (which we’ll discuss later). Did you know that D3 is as vital as Calcium?

Calcium and D3 work together to prevent Osteoporosis, which is the weakening of bones. Any menopause supplement needs to have both of these to protect your bones as you age and go through this period in your life.


We covered vitamin D earlier and talked about the fact that when combined with calcium, it improves your bone health. Calcium is one of the most well-known substances in supplements because of bone health.

By getting enough calcium, you can help offset or prevent osteoporosis as you age.


You already know that calcium and vitamin D help maintain strong and healthy bones, but phosphorus also plays a vital role.

More than half of the bones in your body consist of phosphorus. The mineral helps your bones remain strong, helping prevent osteoporosis and fractures from falls.

2. Cardiovascular Disease

The risk of cardiovascular diseases increases for everyone as they age, but for women during menopause, the risks increase more. Many believe that this occurs because the body stops producing estrogen.

The best menopause supplements will help you lower your risks.

Natural Treatments for Cardiovascular Disease Include:

B9 (Folic Acid)

The hormonal changes that your body undergoes during menopause can affect every part of your body. The lack of sleep, stress, and other health issues can harm your diet. A common dietary problem in women during menopause is B9 deficiency.

Not having enough folic acid in your diet can cause cardiovascular diseases. B9 reduces plasma homocysteine levels while increasing high-density lipoprotein levels in your blood. These two things will help combat heart and other cardiovascular diseases when taken in a supplement.


Calcium helps your heart muscles contract and relax while also helping your nervous system maintain the correct level of pressure in arteries. Your body releases calcitriol when you have low calcium, which increases blood pressure.

Maintaining the proper level of calcium stops this from happening. Since your hormonal regulation suffers during menopause, the regulation offered by calcium is a vital part of any menopause supplement patch.

Mexican Wild Yam Root

Mexican wild yam root is a powerful aid in helping control cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the body. Studies show that the dioscoretine in the root helps regulate blood sugar and reduces cholesterol ingestion in your intestines.


Niacin has two positive effects relating to cardiovascular health. First, studies show that it lowers bad cholesterol in your system. Second, it increases good cholesterol. These benefits combined show that Niacin is one of the best vitamins for menopause you can take to improve your cardiovascular health.

3. Brain Health

Any type of hormonal change in the body is bound to affect your brain. When you also factor in age, you want a supplement that will help fight off any issues such as dementia, memory loss, and Alzheimer’s.

Natural Treatments for Brain Health Include:


It’s believed that oxidative stress is a leading cause of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Studies have shown that an antioxidant-rich diet helps prevent these diseases and slows down their progression.

Other studies have shown that people with a selenium deficiency are at a higher risk of those two diseases. Some researchers believe that the anti-inflammatory nature of Selenium helps keep mental decline at bay, but the connection isn’t completely understood as of yet. The important thing is that there is a clear connection between low selenium and decreased mental function.

Vitamin B12

Given that the effects of menopause include a lack of sleep, soreness, hot flashes, and headaches, cooking healthy meals is probably the last thing on your mind. Because of that, you could end up with some vitamin deficiencies.

B12 deficiency can lead to several types of brain disturbances. Taking a supplement can help make sure that you’re getting the amount of this essential vitamin that you need. Studies suggest that B12 helps prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia, which are two of the leading concerns of older women.

B12 also improves brain cell regeneration and nerve health. Since memory and concentration rely on nerve health in the brain, it stands to reason that taking B12 improves both of those essential functions and helps you maintain your focus.

As you can see, B12 is an essential vitamin for your health, which is why our topical patch comes packed with 1,000 mcg of it. You won’t have to worry about getting all the B12 you need with this menopause supplement!


Curcumin has proven effective when used to combat depression. It’s also effective against inflammation and oxidative damage, both of which can cause mental decline.


Brain fog and other brain disorders could have their roots in Niacin deficiency, according to some studies. Niacin helps your brain get the energy it needs to carry out important functions throughout the day.


According to studies conducted on patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Thiamin helps relieve the symptoms of dementia. Thiamin deficiency is also known to cause cognitive issues.

4. Hot Flashes

This symptom is one of the signature signs of menopause. A woman that experiences a hot flash feels a sudden blast of heat from the forehead to the toes. You’ll also notice that your face becomes flushed and you’ll begin to sweat during a hot flash.

These flashes occur due to changes in the hormonal output of your body and are a natural part of the menopause process.

Natural Treatments for Hot Flashes Include:

Vitamin B9

The thermoregulatory center of the brain causes your body to go through hot flashes. Folic acid influences both serotonin levels and norepinephrine, which helps to treat this symptom.

Dong Quai Root

One study showed that using Dong Quai with german chamomile reduced the severity and frequency of hot flashes in menopausal women.

Licorice Root

One study showed that this root is a better method of lowering the duration of hot flashes than hormone replacement therapy.

Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh is often used by women to treat various menopause effects, particularly hot flashes.


Magnesium has a positive impact on the creation of DHEA, which in turn increases your cortisol levels. Cortisol helps regulate your body’s reaction to stress, which lowers the severity of hot flashes.

Valerian Root

In a triple-blind randomized clinical trial, women that were given valerian root had a significant reduction in the severity of hot flashes.

5. Weight Gain

As you begin menopause, you’ll notice that you put on weight around your midsection. As you age, maintaining a healthy lifestyle becomes more important than ever, as exercise and a proper diet will combat weight gain and help mental health.

Natural Treatments For Weight Gain Include:

Vitamin D3

Overweight women tend to have lower levels of vitamin D, but the reason why isn’t known. There’s a link between low vitamin D and depression, which can lead to inactivity in people. Poor bone health could be another reason for low activity, or the vitamin could have an impact on mental health that studies have yet to establish.

Regardless of the reason, weight and vitamin D seems to have a connection. Making sure that you get enough of this vitamin will help manage your weight, which is important for women going through menopause.


Taking calcium during menopause can help you maintain your optimum weight. If your body doesn’t have enough calcium, it releases parathyroid hormones. This hormone will bring your calcium back into balance, but it will also stimulate the production of fat and prevent your body from breaking it down.

During menopause, when you’re already prone to weight gain, this is problematic. You should always make sure you have enough calcium in your diet.


Studies show that taking 5-HTP can aid those attempting to lose weight because it increases the feeling of fullness. It can also help you control your blood sugar.

6. Breast Soreness

Water retention, hormonal changes, and swollen tissue around your breasts caused by menopause can cause soreness. This symptom is common, but you should still have a doctor check you out to make sure it’s due to menopause.

Natural Treatments For Breast Soreness Include:


One of the reasons for breast soreness during menopause is the swelling of tissue. Studies have shown that riboflavin is a powerful anti-inflammatory and reduces the expression of certain proteins responsible for inflammation.


Hormonal changes cause breast soreness during menopause as the body stops producing estrogen. One way to combat this pain is to take magnesium, which binds with amino acids to create estrogen and progestogen.

Another hormone-related solution to sore breasts is Dong Qual root. The Dong Quai root is known as female ginseng and helps regulate hormonal changes.

7. Sleep Issues

There are two common sleep issues caused by menopause: insomnia and night sweats. Hormonal changes (in particular, the decrease of estrogen) cause both of these issues.

As estrogen depletes, your brain is more likely to go into fight or flight mode, which can lead to anxiety in the middle of the night. Lower estrogen also causes hot flashes, which turn into night sweats when you’re trying to sleep. These sleep issues lead to stress, mood problems, and can lower your immune system.

Natural Treatments for Sleep Issues Include:


You’re going to see magnesium a lot because it’s such a vital mineral for bodily functions. This mineral helps you sleep by activating your parasympathetic nervous system, helping you calm down and get ready for rest. Studies also show that people who take magnesium regularly have more melatonin and renin in their system, which helps improve the quality of sleep.

Licorice Root

Licorice root helps the body regulate cortisol, which assists in fighting adrenal fatigue and improves your body’s response to stress. Since the lack of sleep you experience is often because of your body going into fight or flight mode, improving your body’s reaction to stress is vital for a good night’s rest.


When women go through menopause, most of them report morning fatigue. They wake up feeling as though they haven’t slept. This problem could be the result of night sweats and temperature regulation, or it could be the hormonal changes in their bodies.

Selenium helps these women wake up feeling refreshed.

Valerian Root

This root contains valerenic acid, isovaleric acid, and other antioxidants that studies have shown have a positive impact on sleep. Valerian relaxes and calms you down, helping you to fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly due to the presence of linarin.

Combining Valerian with Hops Flower extract, one of the ingredients in our menopause night topical patches, has a positive impact on insomnia according to studies.


People have used melatonin for years to improve their sleep. A double-blind study found that patients who took melatonin 1-2 hours before bed improved their quality of sleep and felt more awake in the morning.

8. Sexual Issues

Natural Treatments for Sexual Issues Include:

Vaginal dryness and a lack of sexual drive both happen as a result of menopause. These two symptoms often play into each other, as vaginal dryness can make sex unpleasant and painful, leading to the lack of sexual drive.

It’s important to note that not all women face these issues. Some women feel liberated by not having to worry about pregnancy, but it’s still advised to use protection. Sexual intercourse still carries the potential risks of STDs and STIs. Also, feeling a decrease in your sexual drive isn’t a necessary marker of going through menopause.


As discussed earlier, magnesium aids in the production of estrogen, which helps you maintain your sex drive and counters vaginal dryness.

9. Headaches

During perimenopause, which occurs right before menopause, you could experience an increase in migraines or headaches. As your hormones begin to change, these headaches become worse.

Some of the symptoms of menopause can also lead to headache-inducing behaviors. For example, a lack of sleep might cause you to rely on coffee to get through the day. Unfortunately, caffeine can make headaches worse.

During this time, you should avoid consuming too much of common headache triggers, such as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.

Natural Treatments for Headaches Include:


In a randomized clinical trial, researchers found that 71% of participants reported that taking 5-HTP significantly improved the duration and severity of their migraine headaches. It’s believed that 5-HTP’s ability to produce higher levels of serotonin is what assists migraine and headache sufferers.

10. Urinary Tract And Stomach Problems

As with other problems on this list, hormonal changes are the primary reason women experience urinary tract issues. These problems range from incontinence to infections. The best ways to counter these issues are through kegel exercises and good personal hygiene practices.

Your stomach can become upset due to some of the other symptoms of menopause, which can make eating seem like a secondary concern. Even if you do maintain a healthy appetite, you should still maintain gut health to help get the most out of the vitamins and minerals you need.

Natural Treatments for Urinary Tract and Stomach Problems include:


If you’re worried about getting the vitamins and minerals you need from your food, you need phosphorus as a part of any supplement you take.

Phosphorus helps healthy bacteria in your gut break down the food that you eat while also activating digestive enzymes, and regulates your blood PH level. As an electrolyte, phosphorus also fights against water retention. These four benefits

combined mean that you’ll get more nutritional value out of the foods you eat.

One complaint of people as they age and women going through menopause is acid reflux. Phosphorus can help with this as well by regulating the amount of acid in your body. Acid reflux can negatively impact your sleeping habits, so if you’re waking up with a burning sensation in your chest, phosphorus could help.

11. Mood Regulation

When you look at the list of symptoms above, how could you not have problems controlling your mood? You have a hard time sleeping, get frequent headaches, you’re undergoing serious hormonal changes, and you’re having hot flashes. To top it all off, you still have to care for your family and deal with work!

Luckily, our menopause supplement contains plenty of minerals and vitamins to help you balance out your mood.

Natural Treatments for Mood Regulation Include:

Vitamin B12

B12 stimulates the release of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, which relaxes your nervous system and helps settle feelings of anxiety. The vitamin also helps keep your mood balanced, which is important considering the lack of sleep that many women experience while going through menopause.

Because of the release of these hormones, B12 also helps you fight the stress that you may experience.

One source of stress when going through menopause is the lack of energy caused by the changes your body goes through. Vitamin B12 helps you live your best life in several ways.

First, B12 improves metabolism, helping you get the most energy possible from your meals. It also improves muscle and joint health, which keeps you going through the day. You can go through your regular daily routine without having to worry about achy joints and muscles holding you back!

D Vitamins

Many people call vitamin D the “sunshine vitamin” because sunlight boosts it. The reason some people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is that they don’t get enough sunlight or produce vitamin D.

During menopause, you could also face mood disorders because of the hormonal changes your body goes through. By taking a vitamin D supplement, you can improve your mood and cognitive performance.


Phosphorus makes up 1% of your body, making it the second most common element in your body. Phosphorus occurs naturally in many of the foods we eat. It’s found mostly in bone and muscle tissue, where it aids in the production of ATP and acts as an electrolyte.

It plays a vital role in several bodily functions, which is why any menopause supplement should include this mineral.

Earlier, we talked about B12 and the benefits of it for women going through menopause. Phosphorus helps the body absorb B12 and is a vital part of ATP, which helps give you energy.

B vitamins also act as a mood regulator. Since Phosphorus assists in the absorption of these vitamins, it enhances this natural effect.

Convenient For Everyday Life

To get the same benefits in one of our patches, you’d have to take multiple pills every day. We’ve combined everything you need into an easy to apply patch that you won’t have any trouble remembering.

By combining all of these menopause vitamins and minerals into one patch, you’ll also save time and money! No more having to go to the drug store when you’d rather spend time with friends and family.

Made In The United States

Getting your menopause pad from a company based in the United States helps guarantee quality and effectiveness. Every patch comes from our facility in Nevada, where we have the latest technology to ensure that each product is perfect before we ship it to you.


The founder of PatchMD Earl Hailey, along with his team, have over 60 years of experience in over-the-counter pharmaceutical and medical device products. They know what works and the best delivery methods.

Shop Our Menopause Patches

We offer high-quality menopause supplements in patch form which means you don’t’ need to worry about the digestibility of tablets or gastrointestinal side-effects. They are available as a day or night patch and specifically designed to address the most common menopause symptoms. Both patches contain D, calcium, selenium, and a range of B’s, plus our unique PMD complexes that include curcumin and melatonin in the night patch.

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